Weight loss appetite suppressants reduce your appetite so you dont feel hungry and can therefore last longer in between eating without feeling the need to consume anything.
These appetite suppressants work by changing the chemicals in the brain known as neurotransmitters and they can affect and reduce your cravings for food. This means that you can lose weight through a reduction in the amount of calories that you consume each day.
This regulation of the feelings of satiety* means that appetite suppressants allow you to lose weight but only for as long as you're taking them. After reverting back too your original eating habits, youll simply gain weight again.
In food terms, what does satiety mean? It means simply "the feeling of fullness and suppression of hunger post meal". Your body is clever as when you eat foods or take on liquids it gives off signals from the moment you start and past when it enters the gut and is digested and absorbed.
As with anything, they are not suitable for just everyone. Appetite suppressants are predominantly designed for those people who have already tried to lose weight through using more traditional means such as through dieting and exercise but have struggled to achieve results through these methods.
People who have a Body Mass index (BMI) of around 30 or more should consider using these products after having consulted with their doctor. These types of products can actually help you to lose weight though slightly increasing your metabolism. This means that you can burn calories faster and lose weight.
Although weight loss results are encouraging for those using these products, long term studies are still required to ensure that there are no side effects. There is also of course the possibility that a restricted diet and reduced calorie intake is actually responsible for weight loss results and that the pills have little to do with any weight that is lost.
Appetite suppresants are usually ineffective alone. Without the combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity, the results are only short term and not a sustainable weight loss solution.
Having reverted to their initial eating and lifestyle habits, most people that have tried these products have tended to gain the weight that they lost as the pills only represent a short term weight loss solution.