Did you know there's lots of different types of weight loss pills? From suppressants to fat-blockers, herbal to prescription-only? Why not see what kinds of pills there are before you decide you want to use one.
For those who are struggling with slimming one option could be weight loss pills. They seem to promise a lot and offer the prospect of a "magic cure" that does it all. Pretty tempting!
Weight loss pills come in a whole variety of types, some of which work, and some of which don't. So what are the options available to you?
Weight loss pills work by doing one or more of the following:
In a word yes! With so much variety, you need to understand what each one does in order to make the right choice. A survey of the market reveals the following categories of weight loss pills:
A very interesting product to emerge in recent years is Hoodia Gordonii. Taken from a cactus that grows in the Kalahari desert in South Africa, Hoodia Gordonii appears to contain a wonder ingredient that curbs your appetite and helps you slim.
There's no scientific evidence that's been published about Hoodia working as an appetite suppression. However, with some clever marketing and a lot of media promotion, Hoodia has seen a large take up by slimmers.