health fats and oils

Healthy Fats

The word fat is often one we view in a really negative way. Yet many fats are essential for our health and should be consumed in a balanced diet.

Problem With Fat

Too much fat in our diet can lead to obesity and heart disease. Low-fat diets reduce the risk of developing heart disease and suffering strokes and heart attacks. It can also help you to maintain your ideal weight and sustain better health for longer. It is essential to realise that simply reducing the amount of calories that you consume each day is not going to provide you with long term weight loss results.

Metabolic Rate

This is because the bodys metabolism works at a certain rate. This rate is known as the metabolic rate and increasing this rate leads to you burning calories faster. The metabolic rate can be increased by indulging in regular physical activity. The type of fat that you eat is the key to a healthy diet.

Saturated Fat

Try not to consume too much saturated fat such as butter. Unsaturated fats are healthier for you and this include foods such as sunflower oil, olive oil and some spreads.

Cooking Methods

It is also possible to change your cooking methods to account for the fact that you want to try and lose weight. To reduce the amount in your diet, avoid frying foods. Instead, it is advisable to grill, bake or boil foods wherever possible. Unsaturated oil should be used if frying is essential. Remove as much from meat prior to consumption to provide a healthier source of protein. Spraying oil rather than pouring is a healthy alternative to traditional cooking techniques. Drink semi skimmed milk and other low-fat dairy products in order to reduce calories.

Health Issues

It is important to understand the health risks involved with being overweight so you can appreciate the dangers and start to prevent diseases from developing. Being overweight increases your chances of developing various diseases including heart disease and diabetes. It can cause you to have a lack of energy.

Physical Activity

The best way to lose weight effectively and gain sustainable weight control for a healthier lifestyle is by combining healthy eating with taking regular physical activity. Dieting or exercising alone will not be enough and any weight loss experienced will tend to be only a short term solution and then youll probably put the weight back on. High blood pressure slows down the metabolism and means youll burn calories more slowly, resulting in weight gain and the risk of developing diseases. Too little food can lead to severe weight loss. Malnutrition, malnourishment and weakness as well as vitamin deficiency diseases are common amongst people who are under weight. Achieving the right balance of all the major food types and the right quantities of them per day is the best way to ensure you fulfil your bodys nutritional requirements.

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